NR 5

From: Vickie Nickel <training@bc.sympatico.ca>
Reply-To: Vickie Nickel <training@bc.sympatico.ca>
To: F9 Member <training@bc.sympatico.ca>
Subject: F9
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 18:32:34

* * * F 9 B U L L E T I N * * *
 Spy school for the rest of us.

Volume 1 Number 3 Thursday, October 1st, 1998
A free publication from http://www.spycounterspy.com

* * *

Sent in compliance with Section 301, Paragraph (a)(2)(C) of s.1618.
 To be removed from our mailing list, hit reply with "Remove" in the
subject line.

Copyright 1998 Lee Adams. All rights are reserved. Quoting and copying
prohibited. Published weekly. See publisher details at end of document.

Disclaimer: F9 doesn't command or suggest, F9 informs. We neither
endorse, condone, nor encourage illegal activity. The material in F9
is presented for information, research, entertainment, and education
purposes only. The words "you" and "your" are used for ease of readability

* * * I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E


* * * F O R F E I T B Y D E F A U L T

Nobody ever scored a winning goal from the spectactors' seats.

Stop for a moment and think. The spectators don't determine the final
score, the players do. How can you change the outcome if you're not
even in the game? You gotta get out on the playing field if you want
to make a difference.

Let's not mince words. The oppressor's deliberate campaign of terror
has worked. The government's excessive application of force has cowed
many people who would otherwise get involved in resistance against

Simply put, the strategy of the goon squads is to keep you off the playing
field. They do this by intimidation. They do this by terror. They
do this by arbitrary arrest. They do this by arbitrary sentencing.

It's a time-warp. 1938 and 1998. Stop and think. The SS and the Gestapo
used exactly the same tactics.

But Americans are made of sturdier stuff.

At some point a courageous minority will begin to stir, just like the
heroes and heroines of the American Revolution. They will look deep
in their hearts and they will decide it is time to answer the call of
idealism and sacrifice.

This small, but growing, constituency will decide they've had enough
of the brutality and unfairness of a system run by thugs who have suborned
the US Constitution for their own purposes, creating a system that many
decent Americans find morally repugnant and intellectually embarassing.

The courageous minority will continue to visit websites like Spy &
to get the resistance skills they need. They'll subscribe to publications
like F9 in order to find articles that inspire, motivate, teach, and
compell them to act.

Should you get directly involved? Only you can answer that question.

Remember, each of us can make a difference. But only if we act.

It's time for us to start affecting the outcome of the game. The goon
squads have had the playing field to themselves for too long. It's
time for us to vacate the spectators' stands and take our rightful place
on the field.

The consequences of this line of reasoning are profound. Simply reading
F9 isn't enough. With knowledge comes responsibility.

There are three ways each of us can become a player. Each of us must
choose the way that best suits us.

ROLE #1 -- BECOME A SYMPATHIZER. Tell others about the Spy & CounterSpy
website at http://www.spycounterspy.com. Open up their eyes and get
them thinking. Start planning ahead. Get a sense of direction and
purpose. Continue to live your normal life, but adopt a nom de guerre
and start creating an identity that cannot be traced or located by the
authorities. Start caching items you may need later. Learn communication
skills -- arranging secret meetings, using dead-letter boxes, sending
anonymous email, etc. Consider forming a cell and recruiting members.
 (See our website at http://www.spycounterspy.com for tutorials about
these skills and others.)

ROLE #2 -- BECOME A SUPPORTER. Form a cell and become involved. (We'll
be posting a new article at the website showing exactly how to set up
the links between members, cells, and circles in an underground resistance
movement.) Your cell can begin propaganda -- informing others about
the misinformation campaigns of the authorities. You can also begin
defensive operations -- warning or assisting persecuted persons and
publicizing the excesses of the government's goon squads. Your cell
can also begin teaching the general population how to behave towards
the authorities -- passive civil disobedience, quiet protest,
non-cooperation, ostracizing of government employees, and more.

ROLE #3 -- BECOME AN ACTIVIST. Decide what needs to be done. Then
do it. Show your patriotism and loyalty by becoming an urban guerrilla.
 Help put America back on track. Use Direct Action. Your cell can
go on the offensive with operations like letters to the authorities,
tax resistance, embargo, boycott, agitation, protest, petitions, voter
recalls, civil disobedience, and monkey-wrenching. (Monkey-wrenching
means it's impossible to tell if it was intentional or accidental, deliberate,
or forgetfulness, incompetence or oversight.) Your cell can undertake
counterintelligence operations to isolate informers, agent provocateurs,
moles, and collaborators. You can also undertake actions that will
invite coverage by the news media. (But remember that F9 does not encourage
or condone unlawful operations like sabotage, kidnapping, assassination,
terror, etc.)

Is Direct Action for you? To find out, look in your heart and ask yourself
the following question. Do I love my country but fear my government?
 Answer one question and you've answered the other.

In coming issues of F9 Bulletin, you'll see how to start receiving coded
messages for your cell from F9. You'll see how to plan your work and
then work your plan.

* * * T H E C O N T A G I O N E F F E C T

During resistance against government tyranny, the impact of your actions
is leveraged by the news media. This means you are affecting the situation
in a number of different ways. This is called the Contagion Effect
by researchers. In other words, the actions of your underground group
are contagious. Here's why.

First, your action boosts the spirits of other citizens who are considering
getting involved. It builds morale among like-minded citizens.

Second, your action provides inspiration for others. It motivates
acts of resistance. It shows others what can be done. It shows other
citizens that they are not alone in their thinking.

Third, your action provides a diversion. This benefits other cells.
 While the attention of the authorities is focused on your action, other
resistance groups will find it easier to research, plan, rehearse, and
carry out their mission without being detected.

All of this leverage, however, is dependent upon news media coverage
of your action. This formula has not been lost on the bureaucrats.
 A recent study was conducted of resistance movements and their
with news media. The study investigated the four major American TV
news networks and nine major international daily newspapers. Here's
part of what the bureaucrats learned:

LESSON #1 -- The major TV networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN) covered
about 18% of all politically-motivated acts by resistance groups. This
means one in five actions makes it onto the supper news.

LESSON #2 -- The nine major international daily newspapers covered about
30% of all politically-motivated acts by resistance groups. This means
one in three actions received "ink", as newspaper reporters are fond
of saying.

LESSON #3 -- Perhaps most important, the study found that actions receiving
coverage in the news media were followed by "copy-cat" actions. This
happens more often when the action receives coverage.

The lesson is obvious if you're considering Direct Action. In addition
to the direct impact of your act, there is a powerful ripple effect.

The authorities don't want you to know any of this, of course.

Nor do they want you know about the so-called Blackmail Effect. Numerous
resistance movements worldwide have used this subtle strategy to
effect in getting their message across in spite of an antagonistic,
tightly-controlled media.

Here's how the Blackmail Effect works. If a news media outlet refuses
to cover the actions of a resistance group, the group lets it be known
that actions will be escalated until news coverage begins. The
for damage and injury is laid at the doorstep of the recalcitrant
or editor. A compromise soon occurs. The resistance group gets the
"coverage" it needs. The news media gets the "sensationalism" it needs.

Again, the authorities don't want you to know any of this, of course.
 But you'll continue to learn about these and other items in F9 Bulletin.

* * * B L O W B A C K
(Letters from readers. Blowback is spy-talk for unexpected backlash
from covert ops. Readers' comments are edited for brevity and style.)

A number of readers responded to our September 24th article about the
FBI's vehicle arrest technique. As you probably remember, the article
described how FBI agents use heavyweight flashlights to break in through
the windshield before the suspect has time to react.

An ex-cop writes -- "During the years I was in law enforcement we were
allowed to use slapjacks and blackjacks (lead-loaded saps), but due
to the tremendous amount of physical damage and death they were prohibited
in the 1970s. This is when the Mag-Lite made its appearance. Crafted
of heavyweight aircraft aluminum, it could do the same damage but with
the innocent appearance of a flashlight. Your article is quite correct."

Another reader writes -- "A technical correction. Side and back windows
are made of tempered glass that crumbles into oblique (safe) pebbles.
 Windshields are made of laminated glass that is designed to resist
penetration. Windshields will not yield to repeated blows from a hammer,
much less a whack from a maglite. The entry is through a side window,
not via the windshield."

A number of readers responded to our September 17th article titled "Time
Warp 1938-1998". As you probably remember, the article described the
struggle between democracy and fascism and communism in the 1920s and
1930s. It went on to describe the idealism of a resistance leader we
knew -- he fought underground for the duration of World War II.

A reader writes -- "Fascism was an Italian political philosophy that
advocated the concept of the corporate state. The philosophy of Adolf
Hitler and Third Reich Germany was National Socialism, which advocated
the primacy of race. These are two very different political views.
 It is my contention that historical accuracy should be of the utmost
consideration, especially in a publication as controversial as the F9

F9 responds -- With the advantage of hindsight, a growing number of
historians are beginning to categorize Hitler's regime as being essentially
fascist with a veneer of racial supremacy. In other words, same wine,
new bottle. We're glad our reader took the time to write us. The reader
is right, of course. But the historians who call it fascism are right

* * * J O I N T H E S E A R C H

Here at Spy & CounterSpy we're trying to get our hands on a copy of
"Mini Manual of the Urban Guerrilla", by Brazilian freedom-fighter Carlos
Marighella (occasionally spelled Marighela). The manual, containing
41 chapters, was originally published in Tricontinental Monthly in January
1970. It is now a collector's item.

If you know of anyone who has a copy, would you please have them get
in touch with F9 membership manager Vickie Nickel at

This manual has been banned in many countries, for obvious reasons.
 Oppressive governments masquerading as democracies don't like it.
Abusive bureaucrats masquerading as public servants don't like it.
Goon squads masquerading as law enforcement don't like it. You get
the picture.

Any tips or leads would be appreciated. An anonymous package would
make our day. Our courier address is 3273 Tennyson Avenue, Victoria
BC, Canada V8Z 3P4. Our mailing address is PO Box 8026, Victoria BC,
Canada V8W 3R7.

Please spread the word.

* * * P A R T I N G S H O T

To continue to receive F9 Bulletin by email, simply do nothing.

To cancel your subscription, reply to this email with "Remove" in the
subject line. Please include your nom de guerre and email address in
the body.

(TIP: You should promptly cancel your subscription if you detect new
surveillance. This will help you deceive the goons into thinking that
you are just one of the sheep. Watch mindless TV programs and read
mindless magazine articles for a while too. The goons will soon lose
interest and downgrade the surveillance. Vickie will gladly email you
all the back issues when you renew your subscription.)

Questions, comments, and suggestions about F9 Bulletin can be sent to
F9's membership manager Vickie Nickel at training@bc.sympatico.ca

The next issue will be out a week from now. You can expect more frank
talk about countersurveillance, antisurveillance, underground urban
activism, and tradecraft. If you want the plain, unvarnished truth
about how all this stuff really operates, you're reading the right


 From your friends at http://www.spycounterspy.com

 Lee, Vickie, Agent X, and our network of whistleblowers

F9 Bulletin is published weekly by Here's-how, Right-now! Seminars Inc.,
PO Box 8026, Victoria BC, Canada V8W 3R7. Tel. 250-475-1450. Fax
URL http://www.spycounterspy.com
